This blog is not built on theory. It's not philosophical. It's a practical instruction manual written for the pragmatist.
I have written it for the men and women in need of money, plain and simple. It is for people that want to be rich and be philosophical later. The people reading this blog most likely don't have time to delve into metaphysics. They are people who want results, who are ready to take action based on the conclusions of science and don't need to process through overthinking the conclusions that are already reached.
This means that there must be a reasonable expectation that the reader will take statements notched in fundamental science on faith. The way to prove the truth that is revealed in this instruction manual is by acting on them with no hesitation or fear.
Can I say it more clearly? The truths of this instruction manual will be proved by those taking action on it's premise. The people who determine to take action will be the people that benefit, get rich, and succeed.
If you desire to investigate I'll cite certain authorities so that you can do so but let me remind you, without taking action, all the philosophy in the world won't help you get rich.
Let's end this post by simply saying, this instruction manual works. Use it. Learn from it. Take it to heart. Live it. Manifest it.
See you at the next post.
All the best,
Steve Ford, NLP
I have written it for the men and women in need of money, plain and simple. It is for people that want to be rich and be philosophical later. The people reading this blog most likely don't have time to delve into metaphysics. They are people who want results, who are ready to take action based on the conclusions of science and don't need to process through overthinking the conclusions that are already reached.
This means that there must be a reasonable expectation that the reader will take statements notched in fundamental science on faith. The way to prove the truth that is revealed in this instruction manual is by acting on them with no hesitation or fear.
Can I say it more clearly? The truths of this instruction manual will be proved by those taking action on it's premise. The people who determine to take action will be the people that benefit, get rich, and succeed.
If you desire to investigate I'll cite certain authorities so that you can do so but let me remind you, without taking action, all the philosophy in the world won't help you get rich.
Let's end this post by simply saying, this instruction manual works. Use it. Learn from it. Take it to heart. Live it. Manifest it.
See you at the next post.
All the best,
Steve Ford, NLP
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